පව්කම්වලින් වැළකී සිටි අවස්‌ථාවක්‌ පිළිබඳව සිහි කරන්නේ නම් පොදු සම්මතය මත පන්සිල්, අටසිල් ආදි වශයෙන් නොගෙන ශික්‍ෂාපද වෙන වෙනම ආවර්ජනා කර බලා තමන් අවංකවම ආරක්‍ෂා කළ ශික්‍ෂාපද වෙන්කොට ගැනීම, සත්‍යවාදී වීම සඳහා වඩා වැදගත් වේ.


Siyane VMC or Kanduboda VMC.
Kanduboda, Delgoda.
Tel. 011-2445518; 011-2570306.
bhavanam@sltnet.lk or mupali@sltnet.lk 
A meditation centre and monastery with a long tradition of offering meditation-instruction to
Westerners. Besides monks and nuns also lay meditators are welcome and some get
ordination here. The main teacher and head monk is Ven. Upāli, who is very experienced in
the Mahāsi tradition. Women have a separate, enclosed area, and ordination has sometimes
been given for western women (which may interest potential dasa-sīl-maenayos). A few large
buildings with rooms and some kuTis. It It is close to a small road and surrounded by coconut
plantations and a few village houses. The teaching is in the Mahāsi tradition. The vinaya is
reasonable. The daily schedule and discipline is more relaxed than in the Mahāsi centres in
Burma. More individual meditation than group meditation. 

Kanduboda has more than 25  branches throughout the country.
Most are of no significance for westerners.


Lanka Vipassana Centre, IVMC.
108 Wijerāma Mawatha, Colombo 7.
Tel. 011-2694-100.
Web Page

This is a branch of Kanduboda VMC. Ven. Pemasiri used to stay here, but moved to a new place
next to Kanduboda VMC in 2003 (see  previous entry). The place has had many Western long-term monastic- and lay-residents and was also often visited by Western monks staying some days in Colombo for extending
visas etc. Good support, tidy, clean, quiet. In Colombo’s diplomatic quarter. Suitable place for
lay-people who like to meditate. Fairly quiet for Colombo standards. Women stay in a
separate wing.